Siva Ashram
Costa Rica’s Hindu Spiritual Sanctuary
and Botanical Gardens
Welcome to Siva Ashram's Online Presence
Siva Ashram is a 33-acre Hindu Spiritual Sanctuary and Botanical Garden located in the beach town of Nosara on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast. It is a place of learning for those looking to further their spiritual unfoldment and pursuing the ultimate goal of Self-realization. The gardens are being planted with native and exotic flora and are being intentionally designed to support a person’s spiritual unfoldment.
Siva Ashram is a celebration of the Hindu diaspora and will exist as an ambassador for the timeless Hindu philosophy, tools and insights that find its origins in the Vedas. We are working to create a sanctuary for all life to thrive — humans, plants, animals, insects and more so that we may honor the Hindu belief that ‘God is in all’. We are also working on a 300-year plan for Siva Ashram in order to ensure a secure path forward for conservation, sustainability and unfoldment for all.
Siva Ashram is a love letter to the future. Fueling hope for the current and future generations that there will always be those that will work tirelessly for the betterment of all.

A Hindu Hermitage
Preserving and sharing Hindu philosophy, tools and insights for living a life of purpose and joy.
Siva Ashram is a living organism that breathes the fundamental philosophies of Hinduism from extolling that divinity is in all, to advocating non-violence and championing that we are divine souls destined for life’s ultimate goal of Self-realization.
The gardens take you on a journey, telling the story of your unfoldment whilst immersing you in a kaleidoscope of nature’s wonders. The soon-to-be-built temple and shrines are enclaves for spiritual seekers to worship God externally and discover Divinity internally.
Many years ago, our guru proclaimed, “There is nothing more important than knowing who you are, the path that you are on and its ultimate goal.” At Siva Ashram we strive to share Hindu philosophy, tools and insights that allow individuals to embark and make progress on a clearly defined spiritual path to “know thyself”.
Learn more about our gardensA Spiritual Botanical Garden
A journey of self-transformation amidst stunning flora and fauna.
The gardens of Siva Ashram are not a typical botanical garden with a collection of trees and plants. These gardens have been designed based on ancient Hindu teachings, and the order that people move through the gardens will represent progressive steps towards spiritual unfoldment that all people experience in their lives.
Visitors will not only enjoy the collection of native and exotic flora, but as they make their way through the gardens they will gather insights on the mind and philosophy, and learn various spiritual tools for living a better life. ‘Know Thyself’, one of the central teachings of Hinduism and a central teaching at Siva Ashram, is being woven into the creation of the gardens with the goal that all who visit will leave with a greater insight and experience of their divine nature. Because we have designed the gardens with this intention, the path that leads you through the gardens will be called “The Sadhana Marga”, or the path of spiritual practice.
Learn more about our Trees & Plants
Help manifest this
Spiritual Sanctuary
Three different ways to support the creation of Siva Ashram
Siva Ashram is a labor of love. It has been built with the intention to uplift humanity and positively shift humans’ perspective and relationship with themselves and with nature. Such an endeavor cannot be accomplished alone. If you feel inspired by what we are creating, or you have been positively impacted by the teachings and would like a way to give back, please consider supporting the creation of Siva Ashram. Here are three ways you can support Siva Ashram financially:
Hindu Art and Architecture
A sanctuary celebrating Hindu diaspora with Hindu art
and architecture from India, Indonesia, Cambodia and more
Hinduism originated in the Indus Valley in India and eventually spread into what is known today as India. From there, the world’s oldest religion, made its way across the mountains and seas to Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and more. The intermingling of this Hindu diaspora with local cultures, traditions, art forms and beliefs of these lands led to a beautiful and colorful collage of Hindu expressions. At Siva Ashram, we are working to make our sanctuary to be a celebration and library of these varied expressions.
“If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if you think in terms of ten years; plant trees; if you think in terms of 100 years, teach the people.”
~ Confucius